Sunday, 24 February 2013

 Hello! :)

It's been a long month, but now it's almost over. My vacations are near, and I'm going to the beach. Altough I'll be without my tablet, I intend to draw a lot on pencils.

This is my production this month :( I got focused on my last classes (Concept Art for Games and Movies, and Caligraphy). Next semester will be a good one. :)

For our final assignment, we had to create a game. Mine is about pirates, focused primarly on Ultima Online Treasure Hunters. I wish I had more time to render the concepts, but I liked the final marketing art (:

Sunday, 3 February 2013


Okay, I got back into painting. Altough I should be painting and sketching way more, at least I'm doing it more often.

Here's some paintings I've been doing, mostly for Dan Warren mentoring program. Now it's finished, and I'll focus on my college assignment of game design.


This is the final product. However, I didn't do the Merlin that I was supposed to...

I learned a lot about character design while doing these.